Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

So last week was my birthday and I turned 31! That seems so old but then I guess having six kids already establishes that fact. I am usually kind of tight with money and feel guilty about spending it on myself but this birthday I totally splurged (though in my defense it was also my present from my last birthday and from Christmas). I got a real commercial cotton candy machine and a nice snow cone maker. Last year Brock chose to forgo a present in order to rent a cotton candy machine for his birthday party and it was fun to have. I have 4 birthday parties and a primary party do do this summer and was thinking that cotton candy would be fun to do but I didn't want to waste the money to rent one so after a lot of searching through ebay and craigslist I was finally able to find a used one in my price range (I couldn't believe how much cotton candy machines cost). Anyway, to cut it short I got a cotton candy machine and it is great. The cotton candy is just like what you would get at a carnival and I am sure I will be spending more money on dental work from all the sugar than the cost of the machine but right now I am just having fun. I may be old but I can't be all that grown up if things like cotton candy and snow cones are such a big deal to me.


Robyn DeGaetano said...

Oh my gosh, Lou would totally FLIP if I got his a cotton candy machine and snow cone maker!! He LOVES cotton candy! I think that is so cool that it's what you wanted for your birthday - go you for keeping young! :)

Rachel said...

Well, I can say that you are the first person I've ever known to buy herself a cotton-candy machine and a snow cone maker for their birthday. You'll be the most fun mom on the block! :) Happy Birthday!