Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Parrot

We recently acquired a parrot. Actually we developed one. Mia has hit that stage where she parrots many of the things we say and so far it is pretty amusing (this is where you hear all the things you didn't realize you say). A couple of the things she says are not the greatest like when she suddenly says "I'm a dork" or "I'm annoying". I swear the kids must have told her the second but I will admit that I have called her a dork, in a very loving way of course. The other night she was stealing cookie dough and when I stopped her she said (in a very pathetic voice I might add) "but I'm a hungry monkey". My sister Becca's favorite time is when she heard Mia tell her brother, "that is a piece of junk". There are lots of other things she says that you can tell she is repeating from us and we have fun listening to our little parrot.

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